Friday, February 19, 2010

reflection on meeting 1

Group meeting for project 1102 is very important to me. Besides learning a lot of fundamental things about C++, i found that it is really important to standardise everything in the first. For example, in our group, we did not standardise the detail about how we should write our report during our first meeting. In the end, four of us gave different versions of reports. Hence, during our second meeting, we felt that it is very hard for us to compile all of our reports into the final version. Extra time would be spent to adjust our own reports. In my opinion, this is sort of wasting time. If we are able to standardise the way to write our report in the first place, I believe that our group will be more efficient in term of doing the project.

Next, i would like to summarise some ways to improve the quality of our group meeting.

1. In the beginning, we need to state clearly what we need to do during that meeting. This is because that we can ensure our group meeting is fruitful.

2. During the discussion, we need to give every group member certain amount of time to expression their views. This is to ensure everyone in the group is on the right track and noone is left out.

3. Before the end of the meeting, we need to standardise every piece of work which we are supposed to do at home. Hence, we would not waste any time correcting any misconception during the next meeting.

In conclusion, group project is very useful for learning knowledge and group meeting is the key part of the group project. Hence, it is very important for us to take every group meeting seriously.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Siming, I agree that our meeting had some flaws regarding the part on doing the report. Anyway, I think it is also partially due to the lack of understanding of object-oriented programming in which we had so much confusion about which is the UI and which is the API. This problem has probably distracted us from discussing how the format of our report should be like as the focus of our discussion is how the interfaces work.

    To take something positive from it, I think we communicated well and are now clearer about the program after the long hours of discussions and clarifications. In addition, it is also better for us to understand the program functions than to rush through even though it makes us a bit behind time.

    Furthermore, I think we managed to standardise at the end of the second meeting and will produce a more cohesive work this time.

    I also agree with you that we have learnt a lot from one another in the meetings. When each of us brings up our views that are flawed, we are corrected. This shows that team meeting leads to a good learning process.

    Lastly, I hope that we will be able to complete the slides and practising our presentation in the next meeting and have a good presentation on Monday.

    Jian Hwee

  3. Hello Ma Siming,

    Your honest and frank assessment of our first meeting does provide an enlightening read as I was not aware that you had such concerns beforehand. Honestly though, I do have to disagree with you on two of the three concerns that you raised in this post.

    Firstly, you mentioned that we need to state clearly what we need to do during the meeting from the get go. I have to disagree with this concern as I believe that the agenda already functions as an important precursor document that should enable you to get a quick surmise of the items that will be covered in the meeting. Moreover, the meeting would be conducted according to the items listed in the agenda to prevent unnecessary diversions and eliminations of key topics.

    Secondly, you mentioned that every group member needs to be given a certain amount of time to express their view. I believe in theory it does sound probable and effective however during an actual meeting, ideas would be better developed by raising our concerns or inputs in an uninhibited and naturally spontaneous environment. To allocate a certain amount of time to each member would prevent a free-flow of ideas and its development as all our inputs would be incongruent in nature. However, I believe a better solution for this would be after an important decision has been made, to take a quick informal vote to ensure that everybody is on the same page.

    Lastly, I do agree with you that there is a clear and important need to standardize our reports. I believe this problem cropped up because we were still somewhat unsure of what the programme expects from us. Hence, each and every one of us interprets the given data in our own way. However, as the project progressed every one of us had a better inkling of what is expected.

    I really do hope that our presentation would commence without any major faults on Monday as everyone of us had put in so much effort.

    Best Regards,

  4. Hey Siming,

    I see that you have reflected on the entire project itself instead of the first meeting!:) But seeing the comments from Jian Hwee and Khairul, I believe that this post has allowed your group mates to understand your frustrations and concerns on the CG1102 project better!

    Of the three ways you have mentioned to improve on the meeting, I agree with the third point the most. I feel that many of the groups are going to face this problem of compiling non-standardized parts of the reports. Someone will end up having to standardize the final version of the report from the format of the report to the technical terms which we have used. I am sure it is really hard on that person if the members did not have a clear understanding of the program when we wrote the report on our own assigned parts. Thus, we would have to make use of the meeting to clear the doubts and understand the program better.

    This brings me to your second point where you have mentioned that during the discussion, we need to give every group member certain amount of time to express their views. I think what you mean is to be given time for each member to clarify the doubts and to fully understand and comprehend the project. Once someone starts on a topic, a natural discussion is likely to follow up and it is important that the members speak up while the discussion is still at that topic. It would be unhealthy if a member does not express his concerns during the meeting and save all the doubts for himself later.

    As for the first point, I must agree with Khairul that the agenda already functions as an important precursor document. I am sure that taking a look at the agenda will help you get a grasp of the meeting’s objective and discussion points.

    All the best for your group’s presentation on Thursday!

    Best regards,
    Win Yee
